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Panvinio, Onofrio

Persons known by name

Panvinio, Onofrio

Onofrio Panvinio

  • 1530–1568, from Verona
  • Though he seems to have been too young to be an active member of the Accademia, he later claimed that it was Matal's inspiration who led him to his very successful and productive studies of Antiquity. Therefore, he may be named in this list, because it seems plausible, that at least parts of his own work go back to that of Matal and the Accademia before.
  • [Heuser 2003: 98]
    • about the friendship between Matal and Panvinio: [Ferrary 1992: Correspondence: 221f.]; [Cooper 1993: 95, 110]; [Ferrary 1996: 16, 19–23; 44, 103; 108ff. 164, 238–242];
    • about biography and work: [Nicéron 1731: XVI: 229–239]; [Rossi 1862]; [Perini 1899]; [Vocht 1959: 147]; [McCuaig 1983]; [Gersbach 1989–1993]; [Buoncore 1993]; [Daly Davis 1994: 71f.]; [Ferrary 1996]; [Thomson de Grummond 1996: II: 851ff.]
    • His studies in the history of the church make him a direct forerunner to Baronio, see: [Orella Y Unzue 1976: 276–300]; [Ile 1994: VI: 83f Nr. 1394]
    • Matal introduced him in Rome to Agustín in 1545–1555: BA Mailand, D 501, inf. fol. 269r
    • Matal also supported Panvinio's work on the Fasti Capitolini, publishec 1557/1558
    • Matal acted as an agent between Panvinio in Rome and the printer Maternus Cholinus in Cologne.
    • history of Panvinio's prints: [Ferrary 1996: 203–216, App. 4]
  • according to Andreas Schott SJ in [Agustín 1765: I, XVIII] regular guest in Agustín's house in Rome: "Cum enim domicilium Romæ Antonius haberet, pontificiarum caussarum judex aequissimus,& quasi rerum ac fortunarum suarum sedem ibi, si arbitratu suo perpetuo vivere licuisset, horis subsecivis, quibus a negotiis publicis laxamenti aliquid dabatur ad corporis animique relaxationem, cum eruditissimis hominibus, qui domum ejus assidue discendi gratia frequentabant, Octavio Pantagatho, Gabriele Faerno, Bafilio Zancho, Onuphrio Panvinio, Pyrrho Ligorio, Paulo Manutio Aldi F. Carolo Sigonio, & qui hodie vivunt, Latino Latinio & Fulvio Ursino, Metello item Sequano, qui XI. ipsòs annos in illius, contubernio jucundissime vixit, cæterisque domi suae, quæ illis oraculum, verius Delphico, esse videbatur, de urbis Romæ antiquitatibus, inscriptionibus, numismatis, rerum gestarum memoria, & scriptoribus antiquis Græcis atque Latinis, omnique adeo philologia & interioribus litteris libenter disserebat, & inftar apis undique decerpebat, quibus Spartam, quod ajunt, illustraret suam."
  • de.wikipedia.org:
    • Panvinio came to Rome in 1549 and became a protegé of Cervini, who encouraged him to study the history of the church and the christian buildings in Rome
    • 1552–1555 he was member of the household of Alessandro Farnese as librarian, historian and theologician
    • Panvinio is called a "disciple of Agustín" (together wit Orsini) who helped him to order the introduction to the Commentarii iin 1558 and suggested him to visit Germany's libraries, antiquity collections and churches.
    • 1557-1558 Panvinio was in Venice and met Paolo Manuzio, who he called to Rome in 1561 as head of the Papal Print.
    • Panvinio was a close friend of Gabriele Faerno (1511–1561) who introduced him to Etienne Dupérac.
    • Panvinio was for some time a close friend of Ligorio, who later accused Panvinio of plagiarism.
    • Panvinio's closest friend at the Farnese court was Girolamo Mercuriale from Forlí who wrote mainly about medical questions and ancient sports and baths.
    • Manuzio called Panvinio "un mangione dell'antichità" ("much-eater of antiquitites").
    • Scaliger called him "omnis pater historiae" = father of all history [!]
    • Panvinio planned to publish a large work about ancient Rome in 100 books, the plan is e.g. collected in Codex Vaticanus Latinus 6783.
    • To provide the illustrations for his planned book on De antiqua Romanorum religione sive superstitione libri XV cum iconibus he engaged Dupérac, Ercole Setti (1530–1617) and an anonymous artist ("l'anonyme de l'ara pacis"). The illustrations are now in the Codex Ursinianus = Ms. Vat. lat. 3439 (containing the first copies of fragments of the Forma Urbis Romae). Some of the drawings may come from Pighius, but most of them are copied after Ligorio and annotated by Panvinio. (Many copies after the codex were made for the "Museo cartaceo" of Cassiano dal Pozzo. 
    • "Panvinio's big achievement was to combine literary sources with epigraphic and archaeological findings. By doing so, he acted in accordance with the antiquarian research of his time."
  • Panvinio lobt Egio und Ligorio gemeinsam für ihre Antikenkenntnisse im Vorwort seiner Reipublicae Romanae Commentariorum Libri Tres (1558)
  • Panvinio knew cardinals Rodolfo Pio da Carpi and Giovanni Angelo Medici and met them during the conclave leading to the election of Pius IV, who said about Panvinio "that he knew the friar ‘very well, for he makes himself known everywhere in his books’." [Bauer 2020: 129] citing Panvinio, Creatio Pii IV, 585: ‘Optime nosco; libris enim suis se ubique cognosci facit’.
  • In 1557 Jacopo Strada published the first two volumes by Panvinio in Venice, based on a contract advised by Agustín (so, the manuscripts were not "stolen" by Strada), but Panvinio got very angry about the quality of the books and decided to publish them a second time himself.
  • Panvinio praised Leonardo Bufalini's map of Rome: according to [Long 2017: 230]: "Bufalini was much admired in these circles. For example, the renowned humanist and learned student of antiquities, Onofrio Panvinio (1529–1568), in the preface of his De Republica Romana of 1558 wrote that Bufalini’s plan was “the fruit of incredible labor and persistent study of twenty years” (Ehrle 1911, Introduzione, 20)."