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Cervini, Marcello

Persons known by name

Cervini, Marcello

Marcello Cervini

  • Kardinal
  • Vertrauter Pauls III. und Alessandro Farnese
  • vermutlich Spiritus rector der Accademia
  • traf gegen 1537 Philibert de L'Orme bei dessen Vermessungen in Rom an und riet ihm, "das" antike Fussmass zu verwenden
  • Vertreter der Papstes auf dem Konzil von Trient
  • Papst Marcellus II (April 1555)
  • Antikenkenner, Herausgeber diverser Kirchenväter
  • Bibliothekar der Vatikanischen Bibliothek
  • Freund und Amtsnachfolger (als Päpstlicher Bibliothekar) des Agostino Steuco
  • vereinbarte mit Antonio Blado die Einrichtung einer Druckerei für griechische Texte
  • stand seit 1538 in Kontakt mit dem Florentiner Humanisten Piero Vettori
  • plante vermutlich mit Paolo Manuzio die Publikation eines von Augusto Valdo erarbeiteten Ausgabe der Naturgeschichte Plinius' des Älteren [Sachet 2020: 46] bzw. [Dorez 1895]
  • Briefwechsel mit Sirleto [Publikation in Vorbereitung durch Giacomo Cardinali (2020)]
  • förderte Ugo Buoncompagni, den späteren Papst Gregor XIII
  • war Mitglied der Sieneser Accademia Grande, aus der zwar die Accademia degli Intronati 1525 hervorging, die aber zeitweilig (noch mindestens bis 1530) parallel dazu existierte.
  • Must have known Claudio Tolomei and his brothers since his studies at the Accademia of Siena
  • his teacher at Siena in mathematics and dialectic was Giovanni Battista Politi.
  • Cervini asked Daniele Barbaro (around 1550–1554?) to send images of fishes from Venice to Rome for Ippolito Salviani's (first scientific) book on ichthyology.
  • Cervini was elected as Pope by adoration which was then later confirmed by voting, a practice used according to Panvinio several times: "It has recently been underlined by Wassilowsky (Konklavereform) that in the sixteenth century this was usual practice, of which Panvinio’s report gives another confirmation. Panvinio also described this custom in his note to Platina’s life of Clement V (r. 1305–14), ‘Ratio creandi Romani pontificis’, fo. 192r: ‘Alius est quoque creandi pontificis mos, qui per adorationem dicitur. Hoc autem est cum duae partes cardinalium non expectato, ut vocant, scrutinio, sed voce tenus omnium consensu et voluntate quempiam ex cardinalibus in Romanum pontificem salutant atque venerantur. Qua ratione Iulius III, Marcellus II et Paulus etiam IV renuntiati fuerunt.’ In the 1568 edition of the Vitae see pp. 252–3. This note was reprinted together with the note on Gregory X (see above, n. 108) in a booklet of eight leaves entitled Panvinio, Sommario di capitoli et leggi che si osservano nell’elettione del sommo pontefice, trans. Cornelio Massimini (Venice: Domenico Imberti, 1590)." [Bauer 2020: 129 FN 166]
  • Cervini was the uncle of the catholic theologician Robert Bellarmine who critisized Panvinio.