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Ortelius, Abraham

Persons known by name

Ortelius, Abraham

Ortelius, Abraham

  • publisher and cartographer
  • editor of the first "atlas", the "Theatrum Orrbis Terrarum"
  • in his editorial work in cartography/geography he was supported by Jean Matal (according to Heuser)
  • Jean-Marc Besse [Besse 2008: 80]: "Radermacher’s memories also reveal that, in order to produce the archetype of the Theatrum, Ortelius bought maps produced mainly in Rome, at the Tramezzino brothers’ shop. This raises the broader question of Ortelius’s relations with Rome. Ortelius travelled extensively throughout Europe (France, Germany, Frankfurt, England). We do not know exactly how often he visited Italy: three or four times in the 1550s (including once with Pieter Bruegel the Elder and probably Martin de Vos), according to his biographers; once in 1561; perhaps also in 1575; and his best documented trip, undertaken in 1577–8, in the company of Joris Hoefnagel, during which he saw all of Europe’s greatest collections (those of the Fugger in Augsburg, of Albert V in Munich, of the Farnese in Rome and so on). Ortelius had several correspondents in Italy, including a few in Rome (Pirro Ligorio, Fulvio Orsini and Ignazio Danti). And during the 1580s, he was kept informed about what was being produced and published in Rome, thanks to Philippe de Winghe, a young Flemish archaeologist acquainted with Orsini.[52] It is through van Winghe, for instance, that we learn of the relations between Ortelius and Lorenzo Vaccari[53]. Although very little is known about the network that Ortelius encountered in Rome, the names which occur most frequently are Benito Arias Montano, Granvelle and Alexandre Farnese."