Gaddi, Giovanni
Persons known by name
Gaddi, Giovanni
- 1493–1542 (october)
- brother of cardinal Niccolò Gaddi
- employed several antiquarians from the Accademia's network, among them Annibale Caro
"Nel 1535 un Giovanni Saxo (Stein?), fornaio teutonico a S. Salvatore in Lauro, vende a Giovanni Gaddi chierico di Camera una sua vigna "intra menia apud thermas Antonianas". (not. Apocello, prot. 421 c. 341 A. S.). [Lanciani 1989: II, 195]
- one of the two responsible persons for the decoration of the triumphal enty of Charles V into Rome on April 5, 1536. (The other one was Latino Giovenale Manetti [1486–1552], both closely related to the Farnese court.)
- "Gaddi created a circle of `literati` in his house, and was also associated to the Accademia della Virtu`. See Vanna Arrighi, `Gaddi, Giovanni`, and Paola Cosentino, `Martelli, Ludovico`, both in DBI."
friend and disciple of Marliano [Lanciani 1989: II, 271]