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Sie sind hier: Startseite / Bibliography / Ackermann 1961 / 76-77


zum Palazzo Farnese

A fascinating alternative study for the court elevation now in the Kunstbibliothek in Berlin (Hdz. 4151, fol. 81v) was published by Letarouilly (1849–1866, II, p. 272) from the Destailleur collection. It is a perspective section-elevation in which 

[S. 77]

the windows of the piano nobile have alternating pediments and those of the upper story flat pediments; there are no mezzanine stories. The sheet carries an old attribution to Vignoly; Letarouilly ascribed it to Sangallo; but I agree with Lotz that it should not be used for documentory purposes without further study, since it has a suspiciously nineteenth-century appearance.